She is curious about what is needed before an abortion

3 Things Needed Before Abortion

There are three things needed before abortion: an ultrasound scan, STD testing and treatment, and accurate abortion information. Taking Care of Your Women’s Health Before pursuing abortion, it’s critical to take all the necessary precautions to protect your women’s health. You want to make sure you won’t experience any preventable health complications, and you want …

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This woman is wondering what are the different types of abortion?

What Are the Different Types of Abortion?

There are many reasons consider abortion for an unplanned pregnancy. Perhaps your birth control failed, you’re walking through a difficult season, or you fear a pregnancy will disrupt your future plans. Whatever your reasons for considering abortion, it’s important to understand the various abortion procedures and the side effects and risks associated with each one. …

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This woman is learning about how an adoption plan can prevent depression caused by an abortion.

How an Adoption Plan Can Prevent Depression Caused by Abortion

Deciding on a pregnancy option can be stressful, especially with the whirlwind of emotions you may be feeling due to an unexpected pregnancy. You are not alone.  It’s important to note that both adoption and abortion involve some loss. Because it’s possible to build a relationship with your child after placement, you can reduce the …

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This man is wondering will my insurance pay for my girlfriend's abortion?

Will My Insurance Pay For My Girlfriend’s Abortion?

While you may want to extend your health insurance coverage to your girlfriend, insurance companies typically require a legal financial obligation first. Marriage or a domestic partnership will often satisfy this requirement. Supporting Your Girlfriend Financially It’s honorable to want to support your girlfriend financially, whether through your insurance or by paying some of her …

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