This woman is curious if aboriton or adoption is her best option

Is Abortion or Adoption Right for Me?

Only you will be able to decide which pregnancy option is right for you. However, we can provide information on both and some questions to ask to help you think through them.

Every Option Has One Thing in Common

Every pregnant woman has three choices: parenting, adoption, and abortion. While very different options, they all have one thing in common: each will change your life. 

That’s why it’s critical to truly feel confident and fully informed before proceeding. 

Be brave and ask yourself the hard questions. It can be uncomfortable and scary, but facing your decision head-on will ensure all of your feelings have been brought to the surface and acknowledged.

Abortion as an Option

Abortion is an incredibly personal choice that should not be taken lightly. 

Like any medical procedure, you must weigh the risks and side effects before proceeding. Make sure to become informed on both medical and surgical abortion, the cost, and any additional medical care and services you may need before and after the procedure.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Am I comfortable with abortion being a part of my story?
  • How would I handle the medical procedure?
  • What would my future look like after abortion?
  • What would my emotions likely be after having an abortion?
  • Is this the choice I want, or do I feel pressured?

If considering this option, make sure to visit our center for a no-cost ultrasound to verify your pregnancy, how far along you are, and rule out any complications. STD testing and treatment is also a good idea to reduce the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID).

Adoption as an Option

Adoption is a less common choice but also one that benefits both an adoptive family and you. In this situation, the family of your choice gains a new member, and you don’t have the responsibilities of parenthood.

You will want to understand the adoption process and how to create an adoption plan. As the birth mother, you would get to set the terms, choose the adoptive family, and select how much contact you want with your child.

Here are some questions to consider:

  • Am I comfortable with adoption being a part of my story?
  • How would I handle carrying my pregnancy to term?
  • What would my future look like after adoption?
  • What would my emotions likely be after completing the adoption?
  • Is this the choice I want, or do I feel pressured?
  • Do I want to have a relationship with my child?

If considering this option, make sure to visit our center to talk with a nurse about prenatal care. You will also want to schedule an ultrasound to gather information to rule out complications and estimate your due date. While we do not facilitate adoption, we can refer you to an adoption agency.

The Future Is Yours

It’s your life and your future. The decision is yours to make.

We’re honored when women choose us to be a part of their stories. Schedule a no-cost appointment today, and we’ll provide initial pregnancy services and space to think through all the options and resources available to you. 

Deep breaths, you’ve got this.

Please note: We do not perform or refer for abortions at Life Choices.

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