Can I Order the Abortion Pill Online?

For many women, the idea of going to an abortion clinic sounds absolutely daunting. Whether you’re scared you might run into someone you know or you aren’t sure what to expect when you get there, you’re likely wishing there was an easier way to access the abortion pill. 

Abortion pill access varies from state to state and some states allow you to order the abortion pill online. However, here are a few vital facts to consider before you purchase the abortion pill from the internet. 


1. It’s important to only purchase medication through the proper sources

Whether it’s Vitamin C or the abortion pill, it’s important to know exactly where your pills are coming from and if they’ve been tested and approved for consumption.

While you may be able to find approved abortion pill providers online, the internet is also littered with fake pharmaceutical sites, making it hard to know where to go for reliable and safe medication.

Because of this, we recommend discussing your options in-person with a qualified healthcare professional.


2. Skipping pre-abortion screenings can lead to severe health risks 

Even for women considering abortion, it’s important to undergo pregnancy screenings including lab-quality pregnancy testing and ultrasound scans.

Getting an ultrasound scan following a positive pregnancy test is an important step in understanding which abortion option is right for you.

Not only will an ultrasound scan confirm your pregnancy, but it will also give you important information that you need to make an informed choice. The scan will reveal the age, location, and viability of your pregnancy and help your doctor determine if there are major health complications to consider as you make your decision.


3. Medical abortions after 10 weeks can lead to infection and hemorrhaging 

As we said, ultrasounds are an important step in determining what type of abortion you are eligible for.

The abortion pill is only effective in the first 10 weeks of pregnancy and can lead to incomplete abortions if used when the pregnancy is too far along. In the case of an incomplete abortion, retained fetal tissue can lead to infections and hemorrhaging if left unattended.


4. The abortion pill can lead to other severe health risks

It is common for women to experience side effects when taking the abortion pill, including bleeding, weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, and diarrhea. Additionally, the abortion pill has been associated with more severe, and potentially life-threatening, health risks, including infection, sepsis, and hemorrhaging.


5. The abortion pill should never be taken without medical supervision

While it may be advertised as a quick and easy process, taking the abortion pill should not be taken lightly as it can lead to severe health conditions. Because of the serious nature of the abortion pill, it should only ever be considered under the supervision of a medical professional.

To find out if the abortion pill is right for you, make an appointment with a Life Choices Client Advocate who will discuss your various options with you! 


Unplanned pregnancy? There’s help!

If you’re experiencing an unexpected pregnancy, you have three options — parenting, abortion, or adoption — and Life Choices is here to help you make this important decision!

We believe the only way to make an empowered choice is by having access to all of the information and knowledge you need. That’s why we provide education on every option and free healthcare services like pregnancy testing and ultrasounds scans.

Are you ready to learn more? Schedule an appointment with us today! 

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