What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Feeling like you might be pregnant, but it’s too early to take a test? Noting any physical or emotional changes can give you a clue as to whether or not you’re in the early stages of pregnancy.

Here are some of the most commonly reported pregnancy symptoms to be on the lookout for.

Early Signs of Pregnancy

Pregnancy will impact women uniquely, so it’s important to remember you may experience a range of the symptoms below or none at all.

Missing Your Period

Is your monthly menstrual cycle late? This can be a very strong indicator of pregnancy, so be sure to keep track of how many days your period is late.

Tender Breasts

During pregnancy, a woman’s body undergoes major hormonal changes. The hormone progesterone increases rapidly and is likely the culprit behind tender or swollen breasts.

Nausea or Vomiting

We’ve probably all seen the movies and TV shows depicting women running to the bathroom as the first sign of pregnancy. And this can be true for some women. If you’re feeling queasy or vomiting first thing in the morning, it might be time to take a pregnancy test.


Women commonly report feeling extra tired at the beginning of pregnancy, and the science backs this up. Growing a pregnancy takes a lot of energy. Going to bed earlier or napping during the day could indicate pregnancy.

Nasal Congestion

Have you heard of women having a stuffy nose during pregnancy? As hormones in the body rapidly increase, so does the amount of blood produced. According to the Mayo Clinic, this increase in blood volume can cause nasal passage to swell and result in congestion for some women.

Next Steps

If you’ve recently had unprotected sex and are having more than two of the above symptoms, it’s time to take a pregnancy test.

Life Choices offers free and accurate pregnancy testing so you can stop guessing and get the honest answers you deserve. Text to 970-514-5650 to schedule your no-cost pregnancy test today!

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