Preparing for an Ultrasound: What You Need to Know

Preparing for an Ultrasound: What You Need to Know

An ultrasound provides important diagnostic information and detects key pregnancy details. If you have recently had a positive pregnancy test, scheduling an ultrasound is the next step to confirm the pregnancy.

Keep reading below to learn how an ultrasound works, how to prepare for your first ultrasound, and where to schedule one.

How Does an Ultrasound Work?

An ultrasound uses sound waves to produce images of the uterus and surrounding organs. Doctors use these images to evaluate the overall health of the pregnancy and to diagnose certain medical conditions or complications that may be present.

Depending on how far along your pregnancy is, you’ll either have a transvaginal or a transabdominal ultrasound.


A transvaginal ultrasound uses a small wand-like device which goes into the vagina, similar to inserting a tampon. Transvaginal ultrasounds can view more details early in pregnancy and are typically used during the first trimester.


A transabdominal ultrasound is used during the second trimester. A technician applies gel to your stomach during this ultrasound and gently moves the device over your belly.

Preparing For Your First Ultrasound

Preparations for an ultrasound somewhat depend on which type of ultrasound you’re having. For transvaginal ultrasounds, you will want to empty your bladder before the procedure. On the other hand, it’s best to have a full bladder for transabdominal ultrasounds to ensure quality images.

For both types of ultrasounds, you’ll want to wear comfortable, loose clothing that can easily be removed or pushed up.

Where to Schedule an Ultrasound

If you have had a positive pregnancy test, now is the right time to schedule an ultrasound. Life Choices proudly offers women free and confidential ultrasounds.

This scan confirms your pregnancy is viable (has a heartbeat and is progressing) and is located in the uterus. You need this information to protect your health and understand how to move forward.

Life Choices is here for you. To schedule a free ultrasound appointment, simply text 970-514-5650 and speak with one of our nurses.

Life Choices does not perform or refer for abortions.

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