Whether you’re in high school or already have kids at home, going through an unplanned pregnancy can be difficult and isolating. Many women experience strong feelings of anxiety and worry specifically when it comes to sharing about their pregnancy and asking for help from others.
If you’re not sure how to ask for help during an unplanned pregnancy, we’ve gathered some helpful tips, just for you!
1. Visit Your Local Pregnancy Clinic
We know it can feel intimidating to immediately share the news of your pregnancy with family and friends. That’s why we recommend first visiting your local pregnancy clinic.
Pregnancy clinics, like Life Choices, are designed specifically to help women in your situation. Our services are free and confidential and will provide you with important information regarding your pregnancy.
While you’ve likely already taken an at-home pregnancy test, your appointment with us will begin with lab-quality pregnancy testing and an ultrasound scan to confirm your pregnancy. An ultrasound scan will allow us to rule out potentially dangerous health conditions and ensure your pregnancy is viable and healthy.
Ultrasounds are an important step if you are considering abortion, as they will determine whether you’re eligible for certain procedures and if you’re at risk for abortion complications.
2. Identify Your Support System
In addition to getting help from your local pregnancy clinic, it’s important to seek support from your community. For some women, identifying a helpful support system is easy, but for others, it can feel like pulling teeth.
To start, we recommend putting together a list of the people in your life who you think will be supportive and helpful to you during this time. This could be family members, friends, or others from your school, church, work, and beyond.
While it may be overwhelming to think about telling certain people in your life about your pregnancy, it’s important to remember that you may be pleasantly surprised by the responses you get and the support you receive.
Additionally, some people may take longer to take on a helpful role, so remember that your friends at Life Choices are here to fill in the gaps and support and uplift you each step of the way.
3. Gather Information About Your Other Options & the Resources Available to You
Before tapping into your support system for help, consider learning about the resources and referrals offered through your local pregnancy clinic.
Whether you’re considering an abortion or plan on carrying your pregnancy to term, it’s important to gather all of the information possible related to your pregnancy options and the resources available to you. From community resources to the help provided through pregnancy clinics like Life Choices, there’s endless help for women in your shoes.
In addition to our clinic’s free healthcare resources, we also provide information on parenting, abortion, and adoption, post-abortion support and care, education and material resources for parents-to-be, and more!
4. Be Specific When You Ask for Help
Once you’ve identified the resources you’ll have access to through your local pregnancy clinic, take time to consider how your support system can be there for you. We know this can be hard work for some, but remember that it’s okay to ask for help!
Seriously, repeat after us, “It’s okay to ask for help!”
When you ask your support system for help, be specific with your needs. Whether that’s asking for a friend to drive you to your ultrasound scan or simply telling your parents you need them to listen to your fears and worries. Some days you may need very practical help, while others may require more emotional support and care.
Schedule Your Free Appointment Today
Are you ready to find help and comfort through your local pregnancy clinic? Life Choices is here for you! Schedule your free and confidential appointment at the Life Choices location nearest you today!