How Can Sharing Your Story Be a Healing Experience After Abortion?

How Can Sharing Your Story Be a Healing Experience After Abortion?

Every woman’s abortion experience will impact her differently.

Some women may feel fine and move on, while others do not. For some women, grief and mental impacts could follow quickly after, while it could take years for feelings to surface for others.

If you are experiencing mental and emotional issues after an abortion, you are not alone. Healing is possible.

Suffering in Silence

It’s tempting to suffer in silence when you’re struggling with your mental health, especially if you kept your abortion secret. Who would understand? Who could you tell?

Many suffer in silence and keep their emotions and experiences a secret. However, this will only make you feel more isolated and alone. It can even be stressful to put in the mental effort to keep the secret.

Instead, choose to share your story. Telling your secret can lead to a sense of relief, while keeping your secret can take a toll on your mental and physical health.

Sharing Your Story

To share your story, you must first decide who you will tell. Consider taking small steps if you’re worried about a friend or family member’s reaction.

First, write your story down in a journal for your eyes only. Once you feel comfortable expressing your feelings, try sharing your story with someone you do not know well.

Perhaps that’s anonymously online or in the presence of a new support group. Our caring staff members are also available to listen and help you heal. If you are ready and the time feels right, share your story with a trusted family member or friend.

Telling your story can lead to a sense of weight being lifted off your shoulders. You will start addressing and recognizing your feelings instead of bottling them up inside.

Sharing with others allows you to process your emotions and feelings verbally so you can begin to heal.

Post-Abortion Care at Life Choices Longmont

Find healing while supported by a community at Life Choices Longmont. Our medical center offers post-abortion support programs to both women and men struggling mentally after an abortion.

Contact us today for more details and to sign up. The days of suffering in silence are over. Hope is available. Reach out to take a step toward healing today.

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