Contact Us

Message Us

We are here
to help.


To speak to a nurse advocate, please text 970-514-5650 or call one of our centers.

By completing and sending this contact form, you agree and acknowledge that this messaging service is not a secure method of communicating, and there is a risk of unauthorized disclosure. Please also note that these messages are received into a general inbox. Please call our office directly if you need to speak privately with a nurse.

Loveland Center
Monday - Friday
11am - 5pm

Longmont Center
Monday - Friday
11am - 5pm

Loveland Life Choices Center

902 Redwood Dr.
Loveland, CO 80538
Phone: 970-461-5050
Fax: 970-692-2602

Longmont Life Choices Center

20 West Mountain View Ave
Longmont, CO 80501
Phone: 303-651-2050
Fax: 970-692-2609

Our office hours are subject to change. Please call the center to confirm availability for appointments.