What can I do if My partner doesn't support my pregnancy?

What Can I Do if My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

An unplanned pregnancy can be difficult enough, but knowing your partner is unsupportive can worsen the situation significantly. Take a deep breath–this is your pregnancy, and you can find a way forward.

If you are in this situation, know that Life Choices is here for you. Schedule a free and confidential appointment today.

You Are in Control

If your partner doesn’t want you to carry your pregnancy to term, remember that this is your decision. They don’t have the right to force you into making a choice you disagree with.

Sometimes, partners react this way out of fear. They may need space to consider this situation before you speak with them further.

However, if your partner is abusive, you must seek a safe environment. Abuse is never okay. For immediate help, call 911. You can also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24/7 support and assistance in making a safety plan.

Deciding the Best Course of Action

You ultimately make the pregnancy decision, but your partner may feel pressure and stress from the situation. They might think the “problem” will disappear by not supporting you.

However, if you plan on having a lasting, healthy relationship, it’s crucial to learn about their concerns and determine how to proceed. Attending appointments together is one way to create a more unified front.

At Life Choices, we can medically confirm your pregnancy with a free pregnancy test and limited obstetric ultrasound. Once your pregnancy is confirmed, you and your partner can learn about your options.

Sometimes, you and your partner may disagree on the best option. You have the final say on the pregnancy decision. If you choose an option like parenting or adoption, our advocates are ready to help you find resources and feel prepared.

You Matter to Us

Life Choices provides free and confidential medical services to those with unexpected pregnancies.

Schedule an appointment today to learn how we can help.

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