Navigating Your Emotions to Find Post-Abortion Healing

Navigating Your Emotions to Find Post-Abortion Healing

If you are struggling emotionally after an abortion, know you are not alone. You can find healing, even if you find yourself in a difficult spot right now.

Want to talk with us in a safe space? Schedule a confidential appointment at Life Choices to learn about resources for post-abortion healing.

Here are a few tips for navigating your emotions to find post-abortion healing.

1. Write Your Feelings in a Journal

Journaling can be a healthy outlet when you’re navigating complex emotions. All you need is a notebook, a pen, and to write whatever is on your mind. While it can feel painful to express your feelings in the moment, it can lead to a sense of release.

If you want to avoid writing because you don’t want to read or revisit it, you can destroy the notebook afterward. This can also help you let go.

2. Practice Forgiveness

Depending on your emotions and unique situation, you may need to forgive someone or even yourself. Were you pressured or coerced into the abortion? Are you mad at someone or the circumstances?

Forgiveness is challenging but so healthy. John Hopkins Medicine has found it to lower anxiety, depression, stress, blood pressure, and the risk of a heart attack. It can also improve your sleep and cholesterol levels and reduce pain.

Remember, if you were pressured by someone to have an abortion and that person was abusive, forgiving them does not mean they must be allowed back into your life.

3. Take Care of Yourself

Your emotional struggles can distract you from being mindful and caring for your physical needs. Your body needs nutrition, exercise, water, and sleep to function well.

Additionally, healthy habits like eating regular meals, getting dressed in the morning, making your bed, and keeping your living space clean can positively impact your mood and help you feel more in control.

4. Share Your Feelings

While you can do many things independently to heal from an abortion, community is also essential. Sharing your feelings and abortion experience with someone else when you are ready removes the weight of feeling like you’re on your own.

Talking with a counselor, trusted friend, or a support group can all provide healthy outlets for sharing your feelings confidentially. Whoever you confide in can also provide encouragement and support during your healing process.

Learn About Post-Abortion Healing Resources

Healing emotionally after abortion is possible!

Contact Life Choices today for more information on resources for post-abortion healing. Reaching out is a huge step toward healing. We believe in you.

Life Choices does not perform or refer for abortions.

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