3 Benefits of a Support System When Healing After Abortion

3 Benefits of a Support System When Healing After Abortion

You are not alone as you navigate this recovery process after abortion. An abortion can come with lots of side effects, physical and emotional. There are many benefits to having a strong support system when healing after abortion. Keep reading to learn three of the benefits.

1. A Safe Place to Process

The Cleveland Clinic shares that some common emotions women experience after abortion include:

  • Stress
  • Sadness
  • Guilt

You can’t work through what you don’t acknowledge. Sometimes, it’s impossible to overcome and face certain emotions after an abortion without the support and encouragement of someone else.

Take the time you need to process your emotions with someone you trust without the pressure to feel like you have to do it all alone. Asking for help is one of the bravest steps to recovery.

2. Emotional Support

The National Library of Medicine shares, “…abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness compared to women without a history of abortion.” This study concludes that “some women have significant mental health issues caused, triggered, aggravated, or complicated by their abortion experience.”

Suppressing these real emotions coming to you after abortion only makes them worse. Talking to a trusted counselor is important to understand how abortion can impact your emotional health.

To begin receiving emotional support after abortion, we at Life Choices offer a safe and supportive environment to process your feelings and struggles related to your abortion. We will never share your information with anyone. Our goal is to offer the support you need to find peace in an environment you can trust.

3. See that Healing is Possible

Many women have been right where you are in your recovery after abortion. Sometimes, we can’t see the other side of our struggle until we hear someone else’s story of healing and hope. Know that having joy and peace again after an abortion is possible.

Whether you or someone you know is struggling after an abortion, know that hope and healing can be yours. Take the first step by contacting us to receive confidential and non-judgmental post-abortion care.

Contact us today to begin your unique journey and receive free post-abortion support. You can do this.

*We do not perform or refer for abortions.

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